Our Services

Mirror Minds is not simply a web design agency – it’s a lot more! We indulge in creating unique, successful, websites and mobile applications and help you succeed in an ever-changing digital world!

Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design has developed over the past few years to become a device agnostic approach to delivering content to users. From a mobile browser on an iPhone all the way up to a HDTV, responsive websites are able to adjust their appearance based on screen dimensions. We can no longer design for a desktop screen with the number of devices and different screen sizes that are available today; and also those that will come tomorrow.

Designed For 4 Corners

We design our products for the four corners of screens, not just a specific device's screen dimensions. This helps us future proof your product.


Our responsive web designs are developed with performance in mind. Most mobile users can't handle huge website assets.

Cross Browser Support

Our web products are designed to work great with a variety of browsers including IE8 +, iOS, Android 2+, Windows Phone 7, Firefox, Safari, & Chrome.

Fluid Width

By using a grid based on fluid percentages, you don't have to worry about a new device's screen size breaking your website. This also helps to future proof your website.

Device Agnostic

The goal with all of our websites is that they are device agnositc. This means your users have a great experience no matter what device they use.

Designed For Real People

We design our products to solve problems for real people. This may sound weird but it is crazy how many times we've seen a website that doesn't meet your user's basic need.